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How To Choose The Right Grout

04 Jun, 2021
How To Choose The Right Grout

The most common question we hear all the time is “how do I choose a grout colour for this tile”?. The short answer is that there are no set rules, but we’ve put together some guidelines that will help you make the best choice.

Step 1: Decide on the type of grout

Once you’ve picked your tiles, the next step is to choose the type of grout. There are two types of grout:

  1. Unsanded Grout

  2. Sanded Grout

Unsanded grout is thinner than sanded grout so it is usually used for joints less than 1/8” wide. It has a smooth texture and clings well to vertical surfaces, which makes it useful for grouting ceramic wall tiles. Sanded grout should be used for flooring and wall tile joints wider than 1/8 inch because it resists shrinkage and cracking.

For mosaic tiles, epoxy grouts are gaining popularity as they are almost stain proof making it perfect for kitchen backsplashes or in showers.

Step 2: Decide if you want your grout to contrast or complement

Once you’ve chosen the type of grout you would like to use, it’s time to look at the grout colour chart which you may find in store. The two different ways in which grout is chosen is to contrast the colour of the tile or to complement the colour of the tile. Contrasting the grout colour with the tile is used to emphasize the shape of the tile or to match a particular interior style. However, most of the time, grouts are chosen to complement the tile to create a modern, seamless finish, such as a grey grout to blend with a grey floor tile.

Step 3: Deciding on the shade 

It’s best to use the grout colour chart and place the different swatches against your tile. It is recommended to match the grout as closely as possible to your tile, but it is always best to go one shade lighter than darker. 

Things To Avoid:

Grout Discolourations

Discolouration is a chalky appearance of the grout and is mainly caused by incorrect mixing. Grout is sold as a powder and is mixed with water before being applied, so the ratio of the grout to water has to be correct. Another factor of grout discolouration is if too much water is used to clean up. If you notice grout discolouration, try the Mapei Ultracare Concentrated Tile & Grout Cleaner

Grout Cracking

Grout cracking is caused by not using high-quality grout, which have less fillers and more polymer to strengthen which significantly reduces the likelihood of cracking. It is also important to make sure you are tiling onto the right surface as movement underneath tiles will result in cracking even if a high-quality grout is used. 

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